A GUID Cause, The Women's Suffrage Movement in Scotland - Their struggles for change withing society

'A guid cause' ... The women's suffrage movement in Scotland


This teacher area contains information on how the project is structured, learning and teaching approaches, sources and assessment. It also contains an analysis of Curriculum for Excellence outcomes, capacities, skills and aspects covered by the project.

Learning and teaching approaches

The project is designed to be used flexibly and will work best if both English and History departments are involved.

You don't have to work through all of the activities - because the focus is on developing critical thinking, investigation and enquiry skills (and less on content) you and your pupils can pick and choose according to your needs.

The activities allow for a variety of teaching approaches. Pupils should therefore have the opportunity to work on their own, in pairs and in either mixed or set ability groups - whatever works best in your classroom and in your context.

You can build differentiation into the first two development activities (section 7) by asking pupils to choose option A or option B. (Option B requires a more developed and sophisticated response than option A.)

The activities can be done online, but we have provided pdf and word versions in case there aren't enough computers for your pupils to do this.


You and your pupils can access all the sources for the project on the sources page. They are clearly catalogued and labelled so that they're easy to use.

The sources you need for the activities are as follows:

Section 1: Why did women want the vote? (1 - 4)

Section 2: What methods did the suffragettes and suffragists use? (5 - 17)

Section 3: Arguments for and against the suffrage movement (18 - 27)

Section 4: Reactions from the authorities, press and public (28 - 37)

Section 5: The effect of world war (38 - 47)

Section 6: The impact of the right to vote (48 - 49)

The sources support this project, but they're not exhaustive. Feel free to provide your own, too.


The following experiences, outcomes, capacities, skills and aspects of Curriculum for Excellence (at third and fourth levels) have been covered by this project.

Please download the pdf for this document.

Approaches, resources and assessments

Please download the pdf for this document.